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Trademark Renewals in Turkiye (FAQs and Fee Schedule) (2025)

How long is a registered trademark valid in Turkiye (Turkey)?

In Turkey, trademarks are protected for 10 years. This period begins from the date of application.

How many times and for how long can a registered trademark be renewed in Turkiye?

Turkish trademarks can be renewed indefinitely for 10 years at a time after registration. Upon renewal, the new registration period begins from the expiry date of the previous period (10 years from the date of application).

When is the due date for the renewal of trademark registration in Turkiye?

The renewal application should be filed within 6 months before the expiry date of the trademark registration. The renewal fee must be paid to the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office at the same time as the renewal application.

Is it possible to renew a trademark registration after the expiry date in Turkiye?

Yes. Within an additional period of 6 months after the expiry date, it is possible to file a renewal application by paying a higher renewal fee to the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office.

What is your quote for the renewal of trademark registration in Turkiye?

With the application or registration number of your trademark, our software (integrated into our form) will automatically identify your trademark and accordingly calculate and share our fee quote.

Depending on the date of renewal, our fee schedules which include official fees, service fees, bank expenses, and taxes are provided below.

Trademark Renewal

Total Fee

​Trademark renewal within the expiry date:

USD 275 (including the official fee of TRY 7210, service fees, bank expenses and taxes)

Trademark renewal after the expiry date (within 6 months after the expiry date):

USD 455 (including the official fee of TRY 12620, service fees, bank expenses and taxes)

There will be no additional charges or hidden costs.

If I accept your quote, how can I pay the total fee?

As with any e-commerce website, you will be able to pay the total fee through our website online. You will be directed to a secure payment page at the last step of our instruction forms. You will be able to pay the total fee easily and securely using your debit or credit cards with MasterCard, Maestro, Visa, and/or VisaElectron logo (also with your JCB / Discover / Diners / Unionpay / China T-Union / Rupay / Instapayment / Dankort / MIR / Utap cards).

What information do you need for renewal?

We collect all information necessary for the trademark renewal through the form you file on IPriver, i.e., contact details, trademark application or registration number, and invoice details. Following payment of our quote using your debit or credit card online at the last step of our forms, we will receive your instructions.

Do you need a power of attorney?

No. We do not need a power of attorney for the renewal of trademark registrations.

However, for partial renewals (renewals only for certain goods and classes) only, please contact us at and we will provide our power of attorney which would only need to be signed and scanned.

When will you file the renewal application for my trademark registration?

Upon your instruction through IPriver, we will file your instructions through the online filing system of the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office within 1 business day and provide you with the official filing document within the same day.

Will I get a new trademark certificate upon renewal?

Yes. The Turkish Patent and Trademark Office will issue a new trademark registration certificate in pdf format, usually within a couple of weeks following our renewal application. We will forward the new certificate to you as soon as we receive it.

Please note that the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office stopped issuing physical documents a few years ago.

Do I need to be represented by a Turkish patent and/or trademark attorney for trademark renewals in Turkey?

Yes. Trademark owners (natural or legal persons) who reside outside of Turkiye must be represented by a Turkish trademark attorney for a renewal filing before the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office.

Will my renewal instructions be filed by a registered trademark attorney?

Yes. All your instructions will be filed with the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office by a registered patent and trademark attorney, i.e., Mr. Dogukan Berk Aksoy from Aksoy IP, a full-service IP agency and law firm based in Ankara, Turkiye.

Complimentary service - Monitoring of Similar Trademark Applications:

We provide free-of-charge monitoring services to our clients who renew their trademarks in Turkey through IPriver. Through our state-of-the-art software, we regularly monitor all new trademark applications made in Turkiye and once we identify a similar one, we immediately inform our clients of possible opposition against its registration.

Further queries:

If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at

For further details:

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